Hi There, I have found and styled to outfits one you can buy only using Stardollars and the other you can only buy using Starcoins. They are both based upon the idea of a little black dress with covered arms and puffy bottom.
Although the model (which is LittleMissMol12) has Superstar hair and facial features, both outfits would look great on any member of Stardoll. I have gone for a layered look with the Superstar outfit been made from two dresses, one on top of the other. I did try to make them as similar as possible and I did spend quite a lot of time trying to find outfits that looked similar.
Make up? Even though regular members can't buy make-up, they can still get a smokey eye look by buying items from Sunny Bunny, so take a look!
Remember! You can mix and match between Stardollar items and Starcoin items, to create a look you really like!
Molly x